University Policy Statements and Documentation

Student Behavior in the Classroom

Student Behavior and Classroom Decorum

Free discussion, inquiry, and expression are encouraged in this class. Classroom behavior that interferes with either the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of students to benefit from the instruction is not acceptable. Examples may include:

  • routinely entering class late or departing early
  • use of communication devices, or other electronic devices
  • repeatedly talking in class without being recognized
  • talking while others are speaking
  • or arguing in a way that is perceived as “crossing the civility line.”

Classroom behavior that is deemed inappropriate and cannot be resolved by the student and the faculty member may be referred to the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability for administrative or disciplinary review as per the Student Code of Conduct.

For more information on the Student Code of Conduct, or the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability, please see the Division for Student Affairs website.