University Policy Statements and Documentation


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Attention Students: This book contains all required university policy statements and documentation. Review the attached statements before completing the Syllabus and Policy Statement Validation activity and moving on to the course materials.

Notice: You must click through each chapter of this book before accessing the Course Syllabus and Policy Statements Validation activity.

Academic Continuity Plan

The Academic Continuity Plan is an action plan to continue meaningful academic instruction in the event of a natural disaster or similar emergency. There are three phases - Monitor, Remote, and Closure. When implemented, the course format, or the format of instruction, may be modified to enable completion of the course through other means.  Refer to the University’s emergency banner on the main webpage to determine the status of the Academic Continuity Plan (Monitor, Remote, or Closure).

For a downloadable copy of the Academic Continuity Plan, please refer to the document below.